
Home webpage of the FIMS development team.

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NOAA Fisheries

The NOAA Fisheries Integrated Modeling System GitHub Organization

In this organization you can find repositories associated with the NOAA Fisheries Integrated Modeling System (FIMS). For a high-level overview of what FIMS is, please refer to our official announcement. For frequently asked questions please see our FAQ page or the Discussion board.

The NOAA Fisheries Integrated Modeling System is a software system designed to support next-generation fisheries stock assessment, ecosystem, and socioeconomic modeling. A team of experts within NOAA Fisheries is designing and developing the system, and we are advised by the FIMS Council which includes academic, industry, and international partners. The roles of internal and external collaborators are outlined in the governance section of our developer guide. A beta version of the software was released in 2023 and we plan to have another beta release in 2024. Users and developers are welcome to join the Discussions board or submit bug reports using GitHub issues. Please use the issues under collaborative workflow to make suggestions about the developer guide and the issues under the FIMS software repo for software design and development feedback.

Current project status

The project is constantly under development. A summary of its current status is available on the status page. The current release can be found on the release page.


If you have questions or comments please contact the FIMS Project Lead.