Fisheries Integrated Modeling System (FIMS) Documentation
This page provides information related to the FIMS documentation for version
Documentation list
Description: a summary of critical information (e.g., history of FIMS, organization overview, and technologies and tools used to build FIMS) and operating processes (< 2 pages). Links to additional resources (e.g., Term of reference, technical memos, and manuscripts) can be included in this summary. This document can serve as an initial resource for new team members, addressing fundamental questions they are likely to have.
- under development
C++ source code documentation
Description: use comments in the code to document C++ files, namespaces, classes, structs, templates, variables, functions, and typedefs.
R source code documentation
Description: describe R functions in comments next to their definitions.
Release notes
Description: provide notes associated with each release of FIMS.
Description: provide full copies of the license statements.
Case studies
Description: provide test cases of FIMS.
User guide
Description: describe the available installation options for FIMS. Provide step-by-step procedures for common beginner and advanced FIMS workflows.
Description: a summary of critical information (e.g., history of FIMS, organization overview, and technologies and tools used to build FIMS) and operating processes (< 2 pages). Links to additional resources (e.g., Term of reference, technical memos, and manuscripts) can be included in this summary. This document can serve as an initial resource for new team members, addressing fundamental questions they are likely to have.
- under development
Update frequency: update the document as requested, particularly if new members encounter difficulties resolving major issues or uncover misinformation while using this document.
Strategic plan
Description: define the mission, vision, and strategic plan for FIMS.
Update frequency: annually update the document at the end of NOAA’s fiscal year.
Description: document the set of requirements requested by regional teams for inclusion in FIMS.
Update frequency: annually update the document at the end of NOAA’s fiscal year.
Developer guide
Description: this guide helps developers install, configure, and manage FIMS.
Update frequency: update the book as per request and bug report.
Design documents
Description: a summary of key decisions regarding the design and architecture of FIMS.
Update frequency: create the documentation as a design document at the beginning of a milestone, update design decisions throughout development within the milestone, archive it at the end of the milestone. Document design decisions that are not obvious, thereby avoiding needless refactoring in the future or rehashing previously made decisions. At the end of the milestone, we can summarize key pieces of the document and put them into the overview document.
C++ source code documentation
Description: use comments in the code to document C++ files, namespaces, classes, structs, templates, variables, functions, and typedefs.
Update frequency: always up to date.
R source code documentation
Description: describe R functions in comments next to their definitions.
Update frequency: always up to date.
Case studies
Description: provide test cases of FIMS.
Update frequency: publish test cases within milestone 2 and then update the website as requested.
Description: a summary of critical information (e.g., history of FIMS, organization overview, and technologies and tools used to build FIMS) and operating processes (< 2 pages). Links to additional resources (e.g., Term of reference, technical memos, and manuscripts) can be included in this summary. This document can serve as an initial resource for new team members, addressing fundamental questions they are likely to have.
- under development
Update frequency: update the document as requested, particularly if new members encounter difficulties resolving major issues or uncover misinformation while using this document.
Strategic plan
Description: define the mission, vision, and strategic plan for FIMS.
Update frequency: annually update the document at the end of NOAA’s fiscal year.
Description: a summary of critical information (e.g., history of FIMS, organization overview, and technologies and tools used to build FIMS) and operating processes (< 2 pages). Links to additional resources (e.g., Term of reference, technical memos, and manuscripts) can be included in this summary. This document can serve as an initial resource for new team members, addressing fundamental questions they are likely to have.
Audience: project manager, developer, and user
- under development
Update frequency: update the document as requested, particularly if new members encounter difficulties resolving major issues or uncover misinformation while using this document.
Strategic plan
Description: define the mission, vision, and strategic plan for FIMS.
Audience: project manager and developer
Update frequency: annually update the document at the end of NOAA’s fiscal year.
Description: document the set of requirements requested by regional teams for inclusion in FIMS.
Audience: developer
Update frequency: annually update the document at the end of NOAA’s fiscal year.
Developer guide
Description: this guide helps developers install, configure, and manage FIMS.
Audience: developer
Update frequency: update the book as per request and bug report.
Design documents
Description: a summary of key decisions regarding the design and architecture of FIMS.
Audience: developer
Update frequency: create the documentation as a design document at the beginning of a milestone, update design decisions throughout development within the milestone, archive it at the end of the milestone. Document design decisions that are not obvious, thereby avoiding needless refactoring in the future or rehashing previously made decisions. At the end of the milestone, we can summarize key pieces of the document and put them into the overview document.
C++ source code documentation
Description: use comments in the code to document C++ files, namespaces, classes, structs, templates, variables, functions, and typedefs.
Audience: developer and user
Update frequency: always up to date.
R source code documentation
Description: describe R functions in comments next to their definitions.
Audience: developer and user
Update frequency: always up to date.
Release notes
Description: provide notes associated with each release of FIMS.
Audience: user
Update frequency: update before a release.
Description: provide full copies of the license statements.
Audience: user
Update frequency: review the license before a major version release and determine if any updates are necessary.
Case studies
Description: provide test cases of FIMS.
Audience: developer and user
Update frequency: publish test cases within milestone 2 and then update the website as requested.
User guide
Description: describe the available installation options for FIMS. Provide step-by-step procedures for common beginner and advanced FIMS workflows.
Audience: user
Update frequency: always up to date (The person making the change is responsible for the update and a dedicated user guide maintainer should check in on it at the end of each milestone).