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A dataset containing information necessary to run an age-structured stock assessment model in FIMS. This data was generated using the ASSAMC package written for the model comparison project.




A data frame with 19080 observations of 9 variables:


The type of data the row contains. Allowed types include age, length, index, landings, age-to-length-conversion, and weight-at-age data.


A character string providing the name of the information source that the data was collected from, e.g., "Trawl fishery".


An integer age. Entry can be NA if information pertains to multiple ages, e.g., total catch rather than catch of age-4 fish.


A numeric length. Entry can be NA if information doesn't pertain to length.


Start and end dates of the data collection period. Format all dates using yyyy-mm-dd, which can accommodate fake years such as 0001-01-01.


The measurement of interest.


A character string specifying the units of value. Allowed units for each data type are as follows. mt is used for index, landings, and weight-at-age data. number or proportion are each viable units for the composition data, where the former is the preferred unit of measurement.


A real value providing a measurement of uncertainty for value. For catches and survey indices of abundance this should be the standard deviation of the logged observations if you are using the lognormal distribution to fit your data. For composition data it will be your input sample size.