Chapter 10 Test case template
In this section we will describe how to write a test case for your FIMS code.
10.1 Introduction
FIMS testing framework will include different types of testing to make sure that changes to FIMS code are working as expected. The unit and functional tests will be developed during the initial development stage when writing individual functions or modules. After completing development of multiple modules, integration testing will be developed to verify that different modules work well together. Checks will be added in the software to catch user input errors when conducting run-time testing. Regression testing and platform compatibility testing will be executed before pre-releasing FIMS. Beta-testing will be used to gather feedback from users (i.e., members of FIMS implementation team and other users) during the pre-release stage. After releasing the first version of FIMS, the development team will go back to the beginning of the testing cycle and write unit tests when a new feature needs to be implemented. One-off testing will be used for testing new features and fixing user-reported bugs when maintaining FIMS. More details of each type of test can be found in the Glossary section.
FIMS will use GoogleTest to build a C++ unit testing framework and R testthat to build an R testing framework. FIMS will use Google Benchmark to measure the real time and CPU time used for running the produced binaries.
10.2 C++ unit testing and benchmarking
10.2.1 Requirements
To use GoogleTest, you will need:
A compatible operating system (e.g. Windows, masOS, or Linux).
A C++ compiler that supports at least C++ 11 standard or newer (e.g. gcc 5.0+, clang 5.0+, or MSVC 2015+). For macOS users, Xcode 9.3+ provides clang 5.0. For R users, rtools4 includes gcc.
A build system for building the testing project. CMake and a compatible build tool such as Ninja are approved by NMFS HQ.
10.2.2 Setup for Windows users
Download CMake 3.22.1 ( and put the file folder to
or other preferred folder.Download ninja v1.10.2 ( and put the application to
or other preferred folder.Open your Command Prompt and type
. If you see details of usage, cmake is already in your PATH. If not, follow the the instructions below to add cmake to your PATH.In the same command prompt, type
. If you see a message that starts withninja:
, even if it is an error about not finding, this means that ninja is already in your PATH. If ninja is not found, follow the instructions below to add ninja to your path.
10.2.3 Adding cmake and ninja to your PATH on Windows
In the Windows search bar next to the start menu, search for
Edit environment variables for your account
and open theEnvironment Variables
under theUser variables for firstname.lastname
, add path to cmake, if needed (e.g.,cmake-3.22.1-windows-x86_64\bin
orC:\Program Files\CMake\bin
are common paths), and clickOK
. ClickNew
, add path to the location of the Ninja executable, if needed (e.g.,Documents\Apps
), and clickOK
.You may need to restart your computer to update the envirionmental variables.
Note that in certain Fisheries centers, NOAA employees do not have administrative privileges enabled to edit the local environmental path. In this situation it is necessary to create a ticket with IT to add cmake and ninja to your PATH on Windows.
10.2.4 Setup for Linux and Mac users
See CMake installation instructions for installing CMake on other platforms. Add cmake to your PATH.
Download ninja v1.10.2 ( and put the binary in your preferred location. Add Ninja to your PATH.
Open a command window and type
. If you see usage, cmake is found. If not, cmake may still need to be added to your PATH.Open a command window and type
. If you see a message starting withninja:
, ninja is found. Otherwise, try changing the permissions or adding to your path.
10.2.5 How to edit your PATH and change file permissions for Linux and Mac
To check if the binary is in your path, assuming the binary is named ninja:
open a Terminal window and type which ninja
and hit enter.
If you get nothing returned, then ninja is not in your path.
The easiest way to fix this is to move the ninja binary
to a folder that’s already in your path.
To find existing path folders type echo $PATH
in the terminal and hit enter.
Now move the ninja binary to one of these folders.
For example, in a Terminal window type:
sudo cp ~/Downloads/ninja /usr/bin/
To move ninja from the downloads folder to /usr/bin. You will need to use sudo
and enter your password after to have permission to move a file to a folder like /usr/bin/
Also note that you may need to add executable permissions to the ninja binary after downloading it.
You can do that by switching to the folder where you placed the binary
(cd /usr/bin/
if you followed the instructions above),
and running the command:
sudo chmod +x ninja
Check that ninja is now executable and in your path:
which ninja
If you followed the instructions above, you will see the following line returned:
10.2.6 Set up FIMS testing project
Create an empty folder named “FIMS_project.” Within the folder, create a two subfolders: “tests” that will contain the testing code and “src” that will contain the source code. Within the tests subfolder, create a file named CMakeLists.txt
. Declare a dependency on GoogleTest by adding the following contents to the CMakeLists.txt file:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)
# GoogleTest requires at least C++11
# For Windows: Prevent overriding the parent project's compiler/linker settings
set(gtest_force_shared_crt ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE)
10.2.7 Unit test example
Create a file dlognorm.hpp within the src subfolder that contains a simple function:
#include <cmath>
<class Type>
template(Type x, Type meanlog, Type sdlog){
Type dlognorm= (log(x)-meanlog)/sdlog;
Type resid = -log(sqrt(2*M_PI)) - log(sdlog) - Type(0.5)*resid*resid - log(x);
Type logres return logres;
Then, create a test file dlognorm-unit.cpp in the tests subfolder that has a test suite for the dlognorm function:
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "../src/dlognorm.hpp"
// # R code that generates true values for the test
// dlnorm(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, TRUE) = -0.9189385
// dlnorm(5.0, 10.0, 2.5, TRUE) = -9.07679
// TestSuiteName: dlognormTest; TestName: DoubleInput and IntInput
// Test dlognorm with double input values
(dlognormTest, DoubleInput) {
( dlognorm(1.0, 0.0, 1.0) , -0.9189385 , 0.0001 );
EXPECT_NEAR( dlognorm(5.0, 10.0, 2.5) , -9.07679 , 0.0001 );
// Test dlognorm with integer input values
(dlognormTest, IntInput) {
( dlognorm(1, 0, 1) , -0.9189385 , 0.0001 );
EXPECT_NEAR(val1, val2, absolute_error)
verifies that the difference between val1
and val2
does not exceed the absolute error bound absolute_error
. EXPECT_NE(val1, val2)
verifies that val1
is not equal to val2
. Please see GoogleTest assertions reference for more EXPECT_
10.2.8 Add tests to CMakeLists.txt
and run a binary
To build the code, add the following contents to the end of the CMakeLists.txt
The above configuration enables testing in CMake, declares the C++ test binary you want to build (dlognorm_test), and links it to GoogleTest (gtest_main). Now you can build and run your test. Open a command window in FIMS_project/tests and type:
cmake -S . -B build -G Ninja
This generates the build system using Ninja as the generator.
Next, in the same command window, use cmake to build:
cd build
cmake --build .
Finally, run the tests in the same command window:
The output when running ctest
might look like this:
Start 1: dlognormTest.DoubleInput
1/2 Test #1: dlognormTest.DoubleInput ......... Passed 0.17 sec
Start 2: dlognormTest.IntInput
2/2 Test #2: dlognormTest.IntInput ............***Failed 0.11 sec
50% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 2
Total Test time (real) = 0.32 sec
The following tests FAILED:
2 - dlognorm.IntInput (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
Output from these tests are in: C:/Users/FIMS/build/Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log
Use "--rerun-failed --output-on-failure" to re-run the failed cases verbosely.
10.2.9 Benchmark example
Let’s use Google Benchmark to measure the real time and CPU time used for running the produced binary. We will continue using the dlognorm.hpp example. Create a benchmark file dlognorm_benchmark.cpp and put it in the tests subfolder within the FIMS_project folder:
#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
#include "../src/dlognorm.hpp"
void BM_dlgnorm(benchmark::State& state)
for (auto _ : state)
(5.0, 10.0, 2.5);
(BM_dlgnorm); BENCHMARK
Please see more examples on Google Benchmark GitHub repository for a more comprehensive feature overview.
10.2.10 Add benchmarks to CMakeLists.txt
and run the benchmark
To build the code, add the following contents to the end of your CMakeLists.txt
benchmark_main )
To run the benchmark, run on the command line open in FIMS_project/tests/build:
cmake --build .
The output from ./dlognorm_benchmark.exe
might look like this:
Run on (8 X 2112 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
L1 Data 32 KiB (x4)
L1 Instruction 32 KiB (x4)
L2 Unified 256 KiB (x4)
L3 Unified 8192 KiB (x1)
***WARNING*** Library was built as DEBUG. Timings may be affected.
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations
BM_dlgnorm 153 ns 153 ns 4480000
10.2.11 Clean up after running C++ tests Clean up CMake-generated files and re-run tests
After running the examples above, the build generates files (i.e., the source code, libraries, and executables) and saves the files in build
folder. The examples above demonstrate an “out-of-source” build which puts generated files in a completely separate directory build
, so that the source tree is unchanged after running tests. Using a separate source and build tree reduces the need for clean away files that differ between builds. If you still would like to clean CMake-generated files, just delete the build
folder, and then build and run tests by repeating the commands below. The files from the build
folder should not be pushed to the FIMS repository.
cmake -S . -B build -G Ninja
cd build
cmake --build . --parallel 16
Here --parallel 16
means that the maximum number of concurrent processes to use when building is 16.
To build and run tests without navigating to the build
folder, you can use the commands below:
cmake -S . -B build -G Ninja
cmake --build build --parallel 16
ctest --test-dir build Clean up individual tests
For simple C++ function like the examples above, we do not need to clean up the tests. If you allocated memory for an object during testing, you need to delete the object (e.g., delete object
). If you used test fixture from GoogleTest to use the same data configuration for multiple tests, TearDown()
can be used to clean up the test and then the test fixture will be deleted. Please see more details from GoogleTest user’s guide.
10.3 Templates for GoogleTest testing
This section includes templates for creating unit tests and benchmark. This is the code that would go into the .cpp files.
10.3.1 Unit test template
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "../src/code.hpp"
// # R code that generates true values for the test
// Description of Test 1
(TestSuiteName, Test1Name) {
... test body ...
// Description of Test 2
(TestSuiteName, Test2Name) {
... test body ...
10.3.2 Benchmark template
#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
#include "../src/code.hpp"
void BM_FunctionName(benchmark::State& state)
for (auto _ : state)
// This code gets timed
// Register the function as a benchmark
(BM_FunctionName); BENCHMARK
10.3.3 CMakeLists.txt template
// Add test suite 1
// Add test suite 2
// Add benchmark 1
// Add benchmark 2
10.4 R testing
FIMS uses R testthat package for writing R tests. You can install the packages following the instructions on testthat website. If you are not familiar with testthat, the testing chapter in R packages gives a good overview of testing workflow, along with structure explanation and concrete examples.
10.4.1 R testthat template
test_that("TestName", {
...test body...
10.5 Test case template and examples
10.5.1 Test case template
Individual functional or integration test cases will be designed following the template below.
Test ID. Create a meaningful name for the test case.
Features to be tested. Provide a brief statement of test objectives and description of the features to be tested. (Identify the test items following the FIMS software design specification document and identify all features that will not be tested and the rationale for exclusion)
Approach. Specify the approach that will ensure that the features are adequately tested and specify which type of test is used in this case.
Evaluation criteria. Provide a list of expected results and acceptance criteria.
Pass/fail criteria. Specify the criteria used to determine whether each feature has passed or failed testing.
In addition to setting pass/fail criteria with specific tolerance values, a documentation that just views the outputs of some tests may be useful if the tests require additional computations, simulations, and comparisons
Test deliverables. Identify all information that is to be delivered by the test activity.
- Test logs and automated status reports
10.5.2 Test case examples General test case
The test case below is a general case and it can be applied to many functions/modules. For individual functions/modules, please make detailed test cases for specific options to avoid duplication as much as possible.
Test ID | General test case |
Features to be tested |
Approach |
Evaluation Criteria |
Test deliverables |
| Functional test example: TMB probability mass function of the multinomial distribution
Test ID | Probability mass function of the multinomial distribution |
Features to be tested |
Approach | Functional test
Evaluation Criteria |
Test deliverables |
| Integration test example: Li et al. 2021 age-structured stock assessment model comparison
Test ID | Age-structured stock assessment comparison (Li et al. 2021) |
Features to be tested |
Approach | Integration test
Evaluation Criteria |
Test deliverables |
| simulation testing: challenges and solutions
One thing that might be challenging for comparing simulation results is that changes to the order of different calls to simulation will change the simulated values and then tests may fail even though it is just because different random numbers are used or the order of the simulation changes through model development. Several solutions could be used to address the simulation testing issue. Please see discussions on the FIMS-planning issue page for details.
- Once we start developing simulation modules, there are two ways that help compare simulated data from FIMS and a test.
- Add a TRUE/FALSE parameter in each FIMS simulation module for setting up testing seed. When testing the module, use the parameter=TRUE to fix the seed number in R and conduct tests.
- If adding a TRUE/FALSE parameter does not work as expected, then carefully check simulated data from each component and make sure it is not a model coding error.
- FIMS will use set.seed() from R to set seed. “rstream” package will be investigated if one of the requirements of FIMS simulation module is to generate multiple streams of random numbers to associate distinct streams of random numbers with different sources of randomness. rstream was specifically designed to address the issue of needing very long streams of pseudo-random numbers for parallel computations. Please see rstream paper and RngStreams for more details.