Install and library packages


Read SS input file

# Working directory
temp_dir <- tempdir()

# Read SS input data
ss_input <- fishsad::ss_empiricalwaa$input

ss_dat <- ss_input$ss_data
ss_ctl <- ss_input$ss_control

fleet_id <- unique(ss_dat$catch$fleet)
survey_id <- unique(ss_dat$CPUE$index)

ss_wtatage <- ss_input$ss_wtatage
ss_starter <- ss_input$ss_starter
ss_forecast <- ss_input$ss_projection

Convert SS inputs to MAS inputs

# Load r4MAS module
r4mas <- Rcpp::Module("rmas", PACKAGE = "r4MAS")

# Find the path of dynamically-loaded file with extension .so on Linux, .dylib on OS X or .dll on Windows
libs_path <- system.file("libs", package = "r4MAS")
dll_name <- paste("r4MAS", .Platform$dynlib.ext, sep = "")
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
  dll_path <- file.path(libs_path, .Platform$r_arch, dll_name)
} else {
  dll_path <- file.path(libs_path, dll_name)
r4mas <- Rcpp::Module("rmas", dyn.load(dll_path))
# General settings
styr <- ss_dat$styr
endyr <- ss_dat$endyr
nyears <- ss_dat$endyr - ss_dat$styr + 1

nseasons <- ss_dat$nseas

ages <- ss_dat$agebin_vector # Use accumulator age or age group from SS? Include age 0 or not? They are not continuous numbers.
nages <- length(ages)
age_id <- as.character(ages)

# ages <-  c(0, ss_dat$Nages)
# nages <- length(ages)

ngenders <- ss_dat$Nsexes

area <- vector(mode = "list", length = ss_dat$N_areas)
for (i in 1:ss_dat$N_areas) {
  area[[i]] <- new(r4mas$Area)
  area[[i]]$name <- paste("area", i, sep = "")

# Recruitment settings
if (ss_ctl$SR_function == 3) {
  recruitment <- new(r4mas$BevertonHoltRecruitment)
if (ss_ctl$SR_function == 2) {
  recruitment <- new(r4mas$RickerRecruitment)

recruitment$R0$value <- exp(ss_ctl$SR_parm["SR_LN(R0)", "INIT"])
recruitment$R0$estimated <-
  ifelse(ss_ctl$SR_parm["SR_LN(R0)", "PHASE"] < 0, FALSE, TRUE)
recruitment$R0$phase <- abs(ss_ctl$SR_parm["SR_LN(R0)", "PHASE"])
recruitment$R0$min <- ss_ctl$SR_parm["SR_LN(R0)", "LO"]
recruitment$R0$max <- ss_ctl$SR_parm["SR_LN(R0)", "HI"]

recruitment$h$value <- ss_ctl$SR_parm[2, "INIT"]
recruitment$h$estimated <-
  ifelse(ss_ctl$SR_parm[2, "PHASE"] < 0, FALSE, TRUE)
recruitment$h$phase <- abs(ss_ctl$SR_parm[2, "PHASE"])
recruitment$h$min <- ss_ctl$SR_parm[2, "LO"]
recruitment$h$max <- ss_ctl$SR_parm[2, "HI"]

recruitment$sigma_r$value <- exp(ss_ctl$SR_parm["SR_sigmaR", "INIT"])
recruitment$sigma_r$estimated <-
  ifelse(ss_ctl$SR_parm["SR_sigmaR", "PHASE"] < 0, FALSE, TRUE)
# recruitment$sigma_r$estimated <- TRUE # The estimated sigma_r and recruitment deviations are 0 when estimating sigma_r.
recruitment$sigma_r$min <- ss_ctl$SR_parm["SR_sigmaR", "LO"]
recruitment$sigma_r$max <- ss_ctl$SR_parm["SR_sigmaR", "HI"]
recruitment$sigma_r$phase <- abs(ss_ctl$SR_parm["SR_sigmaR", "PHASE"])

recruitment$estimate_deviations <-
  ifelse(ss_ctl$recdev_phase < 0, FALSE, TRUE)
recruitment$constrained_deviations <- TRUE
recruitment$deviations_min <- -15.0
recruitment$deviations_max <- 15.0
recruitment$deviation_phase <- abs(ss_ctl$recdev_phase)
recruitment$SetDeviations(rep(0.0, times = nyears))

# Growth settings
fleet_num <- length(fleet_id)
catch_waa <- vector(mode = "list", length = fleet_num)
for (i in 1:fleet_num) {
  catch_waa[[i]] <- vector(mode = "list", length = ngenders)

  for (j in 1:ngenders) {
    waa <- as.vector(t(
      ss_wtatage[(ss_wtatage$Fleet == fleet_id[i] & ss_wtatage$Sex == j), age_id]

    if (ss_dat$CPUEinfo[ss_dat$CPUEinfo$Fleet == fleet_id[i], "Units"] == 0) {
      catch_waa[[i]][[j]] <- rep(1.0, nages * nyears)
    } # Unit is number

    if (ss_dat$CPUEinfo[ss_dat$CPUEinfo$Fleet == fleet_id[i], "Units"] == 1) {
      catch_waa[[i]][[j]] <- waa
    } # Unit is biomass

ssb_waa <- jan1_waa <- vector(mode = "list", length = ngenders)
for (j in 1:ngenders) {
  ssb_waa[[j]] <- as.vector(t(
    ss_wtatage[(ss_wtatage$Fleet == -2 & ss_wtatage$Sex == j), age_id]

  jan1_waa[[j]] <- as.vector(t(
    ss_wtatage[(ss_wtatage$Fleet == 0 & ss_wtatage$Sex == j), age_id]

survey_num <- 1 # How to include multiple surveys
# survey_num <- length(survey_id)
survey_waa <- vector(mode = "list", length = survey_num)
for (i in 1:survey_num) {
  survey_waa[[i]] <- vector(mode = "list", length = ngenders)

  for (j in 1:ngenders) {
    waa <- as.vector(t(
      ss_wtatage[(ss_wtatage$Fleet == survey_id[i] & ss_wtatage$Sex == j), age_id]

    if (ss_dat$CPUEinfo[ss_dat$CPUEinfo$Fleet == survey_id[i], "Units"] == 0) {
      survey_waa[[i]][[j]] <- rep(1.0, nages * nyears)
    } # Unit is number

    if (ss_dat$CPUEinfo[ss_dat$CPUEinfo$Fleet == survey_id[i], "Units"] == 1) {
      survey_waa[[i]][[j]] <- waa
    } # Unit is biomass

## C++ class 'VonBertalanffyModified' <000000001ee3a2e0>
## Constructors:
##     VonBertalanffyModified()
## Fields: 
##     Parameter a_max
##     Parameter a_min
##     Parameter alpha_f
##     Parameter alpha_m
##     Parameter beta_f
##     Parameter beta_m
##     Parameter c
##     int id
##     Parameter l_inf
##     Parameter lmax
##     Parameter lmin
## Methods: 
##      void SetFemaleCatchWeight(Rcpp::NumericVector)  
##      void SetFemaleSurveyWeight(Rcpp::NumericVector)  
##      void SetFemaleWeightAtSeasonStart(Rcpp::NumericVector)  
##      void SetFemaleWeightAtSpawning(Rcpp::NumericVector)  
##      void SetMaleCatchWeight(Rcpp::NumericVector)  
##      void SetMaleSurveyWeight(Rcpp::NumericVector)  
##      void SetMaleWeightAtSeasonStart(Rcpp::NumericVector)  
##      void SetMaleWeightAtSpawning(Rcpp::NumericVector)  
##      void SetUndifferentiatedCatchWeight(Rcpp::NumericVector)  
##      void SetUndifferentiatedSurveyWeight(Rcpp::NumericVector)  
##      void SetUndifferentiatedWeightAtSeasonStart(Rcpp::NumericVector)  
##      void SetUndifferentiatedWeightAtSpawning(Rcpp::NumericVector)  
growth <- new(r4mas$VonBertalanffyModified)
growth$SetMaleSurveyWeight(survey_waa[[1]][[2]]) # How to set empirical weight-at-age for two surveys? One survey unit is biomass and the other survey unit is number. The data are stored in survey_empirical_weight list.

# Maturity settings
## C++ class 'Maturity' <000000001ee3af40>
## Constructors:
##     Maturity()
## Fields: 
##     int id
##     Rcpp::Vector<14, Rcpp::PreserveStorage> values
## Methods: no methods exposed by this class
maturity <- vector(mode = "list", length = ngenders)
for (j in 1:ngenders) {
  maturity[[j]] <- new(r4mas$Maturity)
  maturity[[j]]$values <- rep(1.0, nages) # SS has length-at-maturity and weight-at-age for fleet -2 uses maturity*fecundity

# Natural mortality settings
natural_mortality <- vector(mode = "list", length = ngenders)
if (ss_ctl$natM_type == 0) {
  for (j in 1:ngenders) {
    natural_mortality[[j]] <- new(r4mas$NaturalMortality) # No min and max settings
    if (j == 1) {
      natural_mortality[[j]]$estimate <-
        ifelse(ss_ctl$MG_parms["NatM_p_1_Fem_GP_1", "PHASE"] < 0, FALSE, TRUE)
      natural_mortality[[j]]$phase <- abs(ss_ctl$MG_parms["NatM_p_1_Fem_GP_1", "PHASE"])
      natural_mortality[[j]]$values <- ss_ctl$MG_parms["NatM_p_1_Fem_GP_1", "INIT"]

    if (j == 2) {
      natural_mortality[[j]]$estimate <-
        ifelse(ss_ctl$MG_parms["NatM_p_1_Mal_GP_1", "PHASE"] < 0, FALSE, TRUE)
      natural_mortality[[j]]$phase <- abs(ss_ctl$MG_parms["NatM_p_1_Mal_GP_1", "PHASE"])
      natural_mortality[[j]]$values <- ss_ctl$MG_parms["NatM_p_1_Mal_GP_1", "INIT"]

# Movement settings
movement <- new(r4mas$Movement)
movement$connectivity_females <- c(0.0)
movement$connectivity_males <- c(0.0)
movement$connectivity_recruits <- c(0.0)

# Initial deviations
initial_deviations <- vector(mode = "list", length = ngenders)

for (j in 1:ngenders) {
  initial_deviations[[j]] <- new(r4mas$InitialDeviations)
  initial_deviations[[j]]$values <- rep(0.0, times = nages)
  initial_deviations[[j]]$estimate <- TRUE # Is it true in SS?
  initial_deviations[[j]]$phase <- 2

# Create population
population <- new(r4mas$Population)
for (y in 1:(nyears))
  population$AddMovement(movement$id, y)

population$AddNaturalMortality(natural_mortality[[1]]$id, area[[1]]$id, "females")
population$AddNaturalMortality(natural_mortality[[2]]$id, area[[1]]$id, "males")
population$AddMaturity(maturity[[1]]$id, area[[1]]$id, "females")
population$AddMaturity(maturity[[2]]$id, area[[1]]$id, "males")
population$AddRecruitment(recruitment$id, 1, area[[1]]$id)
population$SetInitialDeviations(initial_deviations[[1]]$id, area[[1]]$id, "females")
population$SetInitialDeviations(initial_deviations[[2]]$id, area[[1]]$id, "males")
population$sex_ratio <- ss_ctl$MG_parms["FracFemale_GP_1", "INIT"] # Did SS use female fraction in this example?

# Catch index values and observation errors
catch_index <- vector(mode = "list", length = fleet_num)
for (i in 1:fleet_num) {
  catch_index[[i]] <- new(r4mas$IndexData)
  catch_index[[i]]$values <- ss_dat$catch$catch[ss_dat$catch$fleet == fleet_id[i] &
    ss_dat$catch$V1 > 0]
  catch_index[[i]]$error <- ss_dat$catch$catch_se[ss_dat$catch$fleet == fleet_id[i] &
    ss_dat$catch$V1 > 0]

# Catch composition data
catch_comp <- vector(mode = "list", length = fleet_num)
for (i in 1:fleet_num) {
  catch_comp[[i]] <- vector(mode = "list", length = ngenders)
  for (j in 1:ngenders) {
    catch_comp[[i]][[j]] <- new(r4mas$AgeCompData)

    if (j == 1) {
      catch_comp[[i]][[j]]$values <- as.vector(t(
        ss_dat$agecomp[ss_dat$agecomp$FltSvy == fleet_id[i], 10:(10 + nages - 1)]
      catch_comp[[i]][[j]]$sample_size <- ss_dat$agecomp[ss_dat$agecomp$FltSvy == fleet_id[i], "Nsamp"] / 2 # Should sample size be divided by 2?
      catch_comp[[i]][[j]]$sex <- "females"

    if (j == 2) {
      catch_comp[[i]][[j]]$values <- as.vector(t(
        ss_dat$agecomp[ss_dat$agecomp$FltSvy == fleet_id[i], (10 + nages):ncol(ss_dat$agecomp)]
      catch_comp[[i]][[j]]$sample_size <- ss_dat$agecomp[ss_dat$agecomp$FltSvy == fleet_id[i], "Nsamp"] / 2 # Should sample size be divided by 2?
      catch_comp[[i]][[j]]$sex <- "males"

# Likelihood component settings
fleet_index_comp_nll <- vector(mode = "list", length = fleet_num)
fleet_age_comp_nll <- vector(mode = "list", length = fleet_num)
for (i in 1:fleet_num) {
  fleet_index_comp_nll[[i]] <- new(r4mas$Lognormal)
  fleet_index_comp_nll[[i]]$use_bias_correction <- FALSE

  fleet_age_comp_nll[[i]] <- new(r4mas$Multinomial)

# # Fleet selectivity settings
fleet_selectivity <- vector(mode = "list", length = fleet_num)
for (i in 1:fleet_num) {
  selectivity_option <- ss_ctl$age_selex_types$Pattern[fleet_id[i]]

  if (selectivity_option == 17) {
    fleet_selectivity[[i]] <- new(r4mas$AgeBasedSelectivity)
    fleet_selectivity[[i]]$estimated <- TRUE # if it is age based selectivity, can you estimate some values and fix the other values?
    fleet_selectivity[[i]]$phase <- 2 # if it is age based selectivity, can you estimate some values and fix the other values?
    # fleet_selectivity$estimated <-
    #   ifelse(asap_input$sel_ini[[i]][(1:nages), 2] < 0, FALSE, TRUE)
    # fleet_selectivity$phase <- asap_input$sel_ini[[i]][(1:nages), 2]
    fleet_selectivity[[i]]$values <- seq(0, 1, length.out = nages)
  } # SS uses random walk?

  # Add simple-logistic and double-logistic cases later

# Fishing mortality settings
fishing_mortality <- new(r4mas$FishingMortality)
fishing_mortality$estimate <- TRUE
fishing_mortality$phase <- 1
fishing_mortality$min <- 0.0
fishing_mortality$max <- ss_ctl$maxF
fishing_mortality$SetValues(rep(0.01, nyears))

# Create the fleet
fleet <- vector(mode = "list", length = fleet_num)

for (i in 1:fleet_num) {
  fleet[[i]] <- new(r4mas$Fleet)
  fleet[[i]]$AddIndexData(catch_index[[i]]$id, "undifferentiated")
  fleet[[i]]$AddAgeCompData(catch_comp[[i]][[1]]$id, "males")
  fleet[[i]]$AddAgeCompData(catch_comp[[i]][[2]]$id, "females")
  fleet[[i]]$AddSelectivity(fleet_selectivity[[i]]$id, 1, area[[1]]$id)
  fleet[[i]]$AddFishingMortality(fishing_mortality$id, 1, area[[1]]$id)

# Survey index values and observation errors
survey_index <- vector(mode = "list", length = survey_num)
for (i in 1:survey_num) {
  survey_index[[i]] <- new(r4mas$IndexData)
  survey_index[[i]]$values <- ss_dat$CPUE$obs[ss_dat$CPUE$index == survey_id[i]]
  survey_index[[i]]$error <- ss_dat$CPUE$se_log[ss_dat$CPUE$index == survey_id[i]] # How to deal with missing data?

# Survey composition
survey_comp <- vector(mode = "list", length = survey_num)
for (i in 1:survey_num) {
  survey_comp[[i]] <- vector(mode = "list", length = ngenders)
  for (j in 1:ngenders) {
    survey_comp[[i]][[j]] <- new(r4mas$AgeCompData)

    if (j == 1) {
      survey_comp[[i]][[j]]$values <- as.vector(t(
        ss_dat$agecomp[ss_dat$agecomp$FltSvy == survey_id[i], 10:(10 + nages - 1)]
      survey_comp[[i]][[j]]$sample_size <- ss_dat$agecomp[ss_dat$agecomp$FltSvy == survey_id[i], "Nsamp"] / 2 # Should sample size be divided by 2?
      survey_comp[[i]][[j]]$sex <- "females"

    if (j == 2) {
      survey_comp[[i]][[j]]$values <- as.vector(t(
        ss_dat$agecomp[ss_dat$agecomp$FltSvy == survey_id[i], (10 + nages):ncol(ss_dat$agecomp)]
      survey_comp[[i]][[j]]$sample_size <- ss_dat$agecomp[ss_dat$agecomp$FltSvy == survey_id[i], "Nsamp"] / 2 # Should sample size be divided by 2?
      survey_comp[[i]][[j]]$sex <- "males"

# Likelihood component settings
survey_index_comp_nll <- vector(mode = "list", length = survey_num)
survey_age_comp_nll <- vector(mode = "list", length = survey_num)
for (i in 1:survey_num) {
  survey_index_comp_nll[[i]] <- new(r4mas$Lognormal)
  survey_index_comp_nll[[i]]$use_bias_correction <- FALSE

  survey_age_comp_nll[[i]] <- new(r4mas$Multinomial)

# Survey selectivity settings
survey_selectivity <- vector(mode = "list", length = survey_num)
for (i in 1:survey_num) {
  selectivity_option <- ss_ctl$age_selex_types$Pattern[survey_id[i]]

  if (selectivity_option == 17) {
    survey_selectivity[[i]] <- new(r4mas$AgeBasedSelectivity)
    survey_selectivity[[i]]$estimated <- TRUE # if it is age based selectivity, can you estimate some values and fix the other values?
    survey_selectivity[[i]]$phase <- 2
    # survey_selectivity[[i]]$estimated <- ifelse(asap_input$index_sel_ini[[i]][(1:nages), 2] < 0, FALSE, TRUE)
    # survey_selectivity[[i]]$phase <- asap_input$index_sel_ini[[i]][(1:nages), 2]
    survey_selectivity[[i]]$values <- seq(0, 1, length.out = nages)

  # Add simple-logistic and double-logistic cases later

# Create the survey
survey <- vector(mode = "list", length = survey_num)
for (i in 1:survey_num) {
  survey[[i]] <- new(r4mas$Survey)

  survey[[i]]$AddIndexData(survey_index[[i]]$id, "undifferentiated")
  survey[[i]]$AddAgeCompData(survey_comp[[i]][[1]]$id, "females")
  survey[[i]]$AddAgeCompData(survey_comp[[i]][[2]]$id, "males")
  survey[[i]]$AddSelectivity(survey_selectivity[[i]]$id, 1, area[[1]]$id)

  survey[[i]]$q$value <- exp(ss_ctl$Q_parms[paste("LnQ_base_", survey_id[i], "_S", i, sep = ""), "INIT"]) / 1000
  survey[[i]]$q$min <- 0
  survey[[i]]$q$max <- 10
  survey[[i]]$q$estimated <- ifelse(ss_ctl$Q_parms[paste("LnQ_base_", survey_id[i], "_S", i, sep = ""), "PHASE"] < 0, FALSE, TRUE)
  survey[[i]]$q$phase <- abs(ss_ctl$Q_parms[paste("LnQ_base_", survey_id[i], "_S", i, sep = ""), "PHASE"])

Build the MAS model

mas_model <- new(r4mas$MASModel)

mas_model$nyears <- nyears
mas_model$nseasons <- nseasons
mas_model$nages <- nages
mas_model$extended_plus_group <- nages # what if the age are grouped?
mas_model$ages <- ages
mas_model$catch_season_offset <- 0.0
mas_model$spawning_season_offset <- (ss_dat$spawn_month - 1) / 12
mas_model$survey_season_offset <- (unique(ss_dat$CPUE$seas[ss_dat$CPUE$index == 2]) - 1) / 12


for (i in 1:fleet_num) {

for (i in 1:survey_num) {

Run MAS, save MAS outputs, and reset MAS

# # Run MAS
# mas_model$Run()
# # Write MAS outputs to a json file
# write(mas_model$GetOutput(),
#       file=file.path(data_dir, "mas_output.json"))
# # Reset MAS for next run
# mas_model$Reset()
# # Import MAS output
# mas_output <- jsonlite::read_json(file.path(data_dir, "mas_output.json"))


r4MAS inputs and outputs

  • SS uses real ages in weight-at-age data, but age group in age composition data. How to set up ages in r4MAS in this situation?

  • There are missing data in inputs (e.g., survey index and age composition). How to set up survey in r4MAS with missing data?