The model presented in this case study was changed substantially from the operational version and should not be considered reflective of the BSAI Atka mackerel stock.
To get the opertional model to more closely match FIMS I: * stumbled lots
Script to prepare data for building FIMS object
## define the dimensions and global variables# Opent the original AMAK fileatka_dat <-readRDS(here::here("content","data_files","atka_dat.RDS"))atka_rep <-readRDS(here::here("content","data_files","atka_rep.RDS"))## define the dimensions and global variablesyears <- atka_dat$styr:atka_dat$endyrnyears <-length(years)nseasons <-1nages <-11ages <-1:nages## nfleets <- 1## This will fit the models bridging to FIMS (simplifying)## source("fit_bridge_models.R")## compare changes to model#pkfitfinal <- readRDS("data_files/pkfitfinal.RDS")#pkfit0 <- readRDS("data_files/pkfit0.RDS")#parfinal <- pkfitfinal$obj$env$parList()#pkinput0 <- readRDS('data_files/pkinput0.RDS')#fimsdat <- pkdat0 <- pkinput0$dat#pkinput <- readRDS('data_files/pkinput.RDS')
How I simplified my assessment: * Haven’t got there yet…
Script that sets up and runs the model
# clear memoryclear()estimate_fish_selex <-TRUEestimate_survey_selex <-TRUEestimate_q2 <-TRUEestimate_q3 <-TRUEestimate_q6 <-TRUEestimate_F <-TRUEestimate_recdevs <-TRUEget_amak_data <-function(rdat,rrep){## put into fims friendly form res <-data.frame(type =character(),name =character(),age =integer(),datestart =character(),dateend =character(),value =double(),unit =character(),uncertainty =double()) landings <-data.frame(type ="landings",name ="fleet1",age =NA,datestart =paste0(seq(rdat$styr, rdat$endyr), "-01-01"),dateend =paste0(seq(rdat$styr, rdat$endyr), "-12-31"),value =as.numeric(rdat$catch),unit ="t",uncertainty = rdat$catch_cv)## need to fill missing years with -999 so it's ignored in FIMS indtmp <-0*rdat$catch-999 indtmp[which(years %in% rdat$yrs_ind )] <- rdat$biom_ind#indtmp CVtmp <-rep(1, length=nyears) # actually SE in log space CVtmp[which(years %in% rdat$yrs_ind)] <- rdat$biom_std/rdat$biom_ind## repeat with fish catch at age, using expected in missing years#names(atka_rep) caa <-0*rrep$N[,-1]-999 caa[which(years %in% rdat$yrs_ages_fsh), ] <- rdat$page_fsh Ncaa <-rep(1, nyears) Ncaa[which(years %in% rdat$yrs_ages_fsh)] <- rdat$sample_ages_fsh paa2 <-0*rrep$N[,-1]-999 paa2[which(years %in% rdat$yrs_ages_ind), ] <- rdat$page_ind Npaa2 <-rep(1, nyears) Npaa2[which(years %in% rdat$yrs_ages_ind)] <- rdat$sample_ages_ind index <-data.frame(type ="index",name ="survey",age =NA,datestart =paste0(seq(rdat$styr, rdat$endyr), "-01-01"),dateend =paste0(seq(rdat$styr, rdat$endyr), "-12-31"),value =ifelse(indtmp>0, indtmp, indtmp),unit ="",uncertainty = CVtmp)## these have -999 for missing data years catchage <-data.frame(type ="age",name ="fleet1",age =rep(seq(1,nages), nyears),datestart =rep(paste0(seq(rdat$styr, rdat$endyr), "-01-01"), each=nages),dateend =rep(paste0(seq(rdat$styr, rdat$endyr), "-12-31"), each=nages),value =as.numeric(t(caa)),unit ="",uncertainty =rep(Ncaa, each=nages)) indexage <-data.frame(type ="age",name ="survey",age =rep(seq(1, nages), nyears),datestart =rep(paste0( seq(rdat$styr, rdat$endyr), "-01-01" ), each = nages),dateend =rep(paste0( seq(rdat$styr, rdat$endyr), "-12-31" ), each = nages),value =as.numeric(t(paa2)),unit ="",uncertainty =rep(Npaa2, each = nages) )## indexage=indexage2## index=index2 res <-rbind(res, landings, index, catchage, indexage)return(res)}fimsdat<-get_amak_data(atka_dat,atka_rep)
# Needs weight-at-age data before it will work# age_frame <- FIMS::FIMSFrame(fimsdat)