
Edit and add your pages

Each page should start with

title: your title

and the first header will be the 2nd level, so ##. Note, there are situations where you leave off

title: your title

and start the qmd file with a level header #, but if using the default title yaml (in the --- fence) is a good habit since it makes it easy for Quarto convert your qmd file to other formats (like into a presentation).

Add a chunk of code describing your setup

Case study files should include:

  • R version
  • TMB version
  • FIMS commit
  • Name of your stock
  • Name of your region
  • Name of the analyst

Please ensure that the content/setup.qmd file is updated if the case study requires the installation of additional R packages.

Add a bulleted list and script describing simplifications you had to make

How I simplified my assessment * Remove seasonality * etc.

Add your script that sets up and runs the model

Add your comparison figures

Add comparison tables

What was your experience using FIMS? What could we do to improve usability?

List any issues that you ran into or found

Please open an issue if you found something new.

What features are most important to add based on this case study?

Add your pages to the project

  • Add the files to _quarto.yml