NEFSC Case Study Southern New England-Mid Atlantic Yellowtail Flounder

The setup

# Names of required packages
packages <- c("dplyr", "tidyr", "ggplot2", "TMB", "reshape2", "here", "remotes", "lubridate")

# Install packages not yet installed
installed_packages <- packages %in% rownames(installed.packages())
if (any(installed_packages == FALSE)) {
  install.packages(packages[!installed_packages], repos = "")


# Load packages
invisible(lapply(packages, library, character.only = TRUE))


R_version <- version$version.string
TMB_version <- packageDescription("TMB")$Version
FIMS_commit <- substr(packageDescription("FIMS")$GithubSHA1, 1, 7)
# R_version <- version$version.string
# TMB_version <- packageDescription("TMB")$Version
# FIMS_commit <- substr(packageDescription("FIMS")$GithubSHA1, 1, 7)
  • R version: R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14)
  • TMB version: 1.9.14
  • FIMS commit: 081972c
  • Stock name: Southern New England-Mid Atlantic Yellowtail Flounder
  • Region: NEFSC
  • Analyst: Chris Legault

Simplifications to the original assessment

  • End year 2021 to 2019 due to missing 2020 survey
  • 5 indices to 2
  • Filled a survey missing year for one index (see below)
  • Varying weight at age to constant over time
  • Different weight at age matrices for catch, SSB, Jan-1 to same for all 3
  • SSB calculated in April to Jan-1
  • Aggregate index in numbers to weight
  • Fishery 2 selectivity blocks to 1
  • Catch and Index selectivity at age to logistic
  • Index timing from April to Jan-1
  • Varying Index CV to constant over time
  • Varying Catch ESS to constant over time
  • SR unexploited scaler SSB to recruitment

How I simplified my assessment:

To fill the missing year of survey data, I first ran the model in ASAP with the missing data treated as missing. I then filled the missing data with the expected value of the survey, both in aggregate and for catch at age in place of the missing data.

The varying weights at age, index CVs, and ESS values were replaced by the time series mean in all years.

The catch weight at age matrix was used as the weight at age for all sources.

Script that sets up and runs the model

# clear memory
# read the ASAP rdat files
rdat <- dget(file.path("data_files", "NEFSC_YT_SIMPLIFIED.RDAT")) # to be used in FIMS, lots of modifications from original
orig <- dget(file.path("data_files", "NEFSC_YT_ORIGINAL.RDAT"))   # where started before modifications for use in FIMS

# function to create equivalent of data_mile1, basic catch and survey data
# need to think about how to deal with multiple fleets and indices - only use 1 of each for now
get_asap_data <- function(rdat){
  res <- data.frame(type = character(),
                name = character(),
                age = integer(),
                datestart = character(),
                dateend = character(),
                value = double(),
                unit = character(),
                uncertainty = double())
  landings <- data.frame(type = "landings",
                     name = "fleet1",
                     age = NA,
                     datestart = paste0(seq(rdat$parms$styr, rdat$parms$endyr), "-01-01"),
                     dateend = paste0(seq(rdat$parms$styr, rdat$parms$endyr), "-12-31"),
                     value = as.numeric(rdat$catch.obs[1,]),
                     unit = "mt",
                     uncertainty = rdat$control.parms$[,1])
  # loop over all indices
  for (i in 1:rdat$parms$nindices){
    index <- data.frame(type = "index",
                        name = paste0("survey", i),
                        age = NA,
                        datestart = paste0(seq(rdat$parms$styr, rdat$parms$endyr), "-01-01"),
                        dateend = paste0(seq(rdat$parms$styr, rdat$parms$endyr), "-12-31"),
                        value = as.numeric(rdat$index.obs[[i]]),
                        unit = "",
                        uncertainty = rdat$[[i]])
    if (i == 1){
      allinds <- index
      allinds <- rbind(allinds, index)
  catchage <- data.frame(type = "age",
                     name = "fleet1",
                     age = rep(seq(1,rdat$parms$nages), rdat$parms$nyears),
                     datestart = rep(paste0(seq(rdat$parms$styr, rdat$parms$endyr), "-01-01"), each=rdat$parms$nages),
                     dateend = rep(paste0(seq(rdat$parms$styr, rdat$parms$endyr), "-12-31"), each=rdat$parms$nages),
                     value = as.numeric(t(rdat$catch.comp.mats$catch.fleet1.ob)),
                     unit = "",
                     uncertainty = rep(rdat$fleet.catch.Neff.init[1,], each=rdat$parms$nages))
  # loop over all indices
  for (i in 1:rdat$parms$nindices){
    indexage <- data.frame(type = "age",
                           name = paste0("survey", i),
                           age = rep(seq(1,rdat$parms$nages), rdat$parms$nyears),
                           datestart = rep(paste0(seq(rdat$parms$styr, rdat$parms$endyr), "-01-01"), each=rdat$parms$nages),
                           dateend = rep(paste0(seq(rdat$parms$styr, rdat$parms$endyr), "-12-31"), each=rdat$parms$nages),
                           value = as.numeric(t(rdat$index.comp.mats[[i*2-1]])),
                           unit = "",
                           uncertainty = rep(rdat$index.Neff.init[i,], each=rdat$parms$nages))
    if (i == 1){
      allindsage <- indexage
      allindsage <- rbind(allindsage, indexage)
  res <- rbind(res, landings, allinds, catchage, allindsage)

mydat <- get_asap_data(rdat)

myfimsframe <- FIMS::FIMSFrame(mydat)

# define the dimensions
nyears <- rdat$parms$nyears
years <- seq(rdat$parms$styr, rdat$parms$endyr)
nseasons <- 1 # ASAP only has one season
nages <- rdat$parms$nages
ages <- 1:nages # ASAP starts at age 1

# set up FIMS data objects
age_frame <- FIMS::FIMSFrame(mydat)

fishery_catch <- FIMS::m_landings(age_frame)
fishery_agecomp <- FIMS::m_agecomp(age_frame, "fleet1")
survey_index <- list()
survey_agecomp <- list()
for (i in 1:rdat$parms$nindices){
  survey_index[[i]] <- FIMS::m_index(age_frame, paste0("survey", i))
  survey_agecomp[[i]] <- FIMS::m_agecomp(age_frame, paste0("survey", i))

# eventually change to allow multiple fishing fleets similar to multiple indices - only using 1 fishing fleet for now
fishing_fleet_index <- methods::new(Index, nyears)
fishing_fleet_age_comp <- methods::new(AgeComp, nyears, nages)
fishing_fleet_index$index_data <- fishery_catch
fishing_fleet_age_comp$age_comp_data <- fishery_agecomp * rep(rdat$fleet.catch.Neff.init[1,], each=rdat$parms$nages)

# fleet selectivity
fishing_fleet_selectivity <- methods::new(LogisticSelectivity)
fishing_fleet_selectivity$inflection_point$value <- rdat$sel.input.mats$fleet.sel.ini[nages+1,1] # hardwired to assume only 1 fleet and logistic selectivity used
fishing_fleet_selectivity$inflection_point$is_random_effect <- FALSE
fishing_fleet_selectivity$inflection_point$estimated <- TRUE
fishing_fleet_selectivity$slope$value <- rdat$sel.input.mats$fleet.sel.ini[nages+2,1] # hardwired to assume only 1 fleet and logistic selectivity used
fishing_fleet_selectivity$slope$is_random_effect <- FALSE
fishing_fleet_selectivity$slope$estimated <- TRUE

# create fleet object
fishing_fleet <- methods::new(Fleet)
fishing_fleet$nages <- nages
fishing_fleet$nyears <- nyears
fishing_fleet$log_Fmort <- log(rep(rdat$initial.guesses$Fmult.year1.init[1], nyears)) # ASAP assumes Fmult devs = 0
fishing_fleet$estimate_F <- TRUE
fishing_fleet$random_F <- FALSE
fishing_fleet$log_q <- log(rdat$initial.guesses$q.year1.init[1])
fishing_fleet$estimate_q <- FALSE
fishing_fleet$random_q <- FALSE
fishing_fleet$log_obs_error <- rep(log(sqrt(log(as.numeric(mean(rdat$control.parms$[,1], na.rm=TRUE)^2) + 1))), nyears)
fishing_fleet$estimate_obs_error <- FALSE
# Next two lines not currently used by FIMS
# Set Index, AgeComp, and Selectivity using the IDs from the modules defined above

# survey module now can handle multiple indices
for (i in 1:rdat$parms$nindices){
  survey_fleet_index <- methods::new(Index, nyears)
  survey_fleet_age_comp <- methods::new(AgeComp, nyears, nages)
  survey_fleet_index$index_data <- survey_index[[i]]
  survey_fleet_age_comp$age_comp_data <- survey_agecomp[[i]] * rep(rdat$index.Neff.init[i,], each=rdat$parms$nages)
  # survey selectivity
  survey_fleet_selectivity <- new(LogisticSelectivity)
  survey_fleet_selectivity$inflection_point$value <- rdat$sel.input.mats$index.sel.ini[(i+1)*(nages+2+4)+nages+1,1] # hardwired for this example
  survey_fleet_selectivity$inflection_point$is_random_effect <- FALSE
  survey_fleet_selectivity$inflection_point$estimated <- TRUE
  survey_fleet_selectivity$inflection_point$value <- rdat$sel.input.mats$index.sel.ini[(i+1)*(nages+2+4)+nages+1,1] # hardwired for this example
  survey_fleet_selectivity$slope$is_random_effect <- FALSE
  survey_fleet_selectivity$slope$estimated <- TRUE
  survey_fleet <- methods::new(Fleet)
  survey_fleet$is_survey <- TRUE
  survey_fleet$nages <- nages
  survey_fleet$nyears <- nyears
  survey_fleet$estimate_F <- FALSE
  survey_fleet$random_F <- FALSE
  survey_fleet$log_q <- log(rdat$initial.guesses$q.year1.init[i]) 
  survey_fleet$estimate_q <- TRUE
  survey_fleet$random_q <- FALSE
  # sd = sqrt(log(cv^2 + 1)), sd is log transformed
  survey_fleet$log_obs_error <- rep(log(sqrt(log(as.numeric(mean(rdat$[[i]], na.rm=TRUE)^2 + 1)))), nyears)
  survey_fleet$estimate_obs_error <- FALSE

# Population module

# recruitment
recruitment <- methods::new(BevertonHoltRecruitment)

recruitment$log_sigma_recruit$value <- log(mean(rdat$control.parms$ # typically enter same value for every year in ASAP
recruitment$log_rzero$value <- log(rdat$initial.guesses$SR.inits$SR.scaler.init) # ASAP can enter either R0 or SSB0, need to make sure use R0 in input file
recruitment$log_rzero$is_random_effect <- FALSE
recruitment$log_rzero$estimated <- TRUE
# note: do not set steepness exactly equal to 1, use 0.99 instead in ASAP run
recruitment$logit_steep$value <- -log(1.0 - rdat$initial.guesses$SR.inits$SR_steepness.init) + log(rdat$initial.guesses$SR.inits$SR_steepness.init - 0.2)
recruitment$logit_steep$is_random_effect <- FALSE
recruitment$logit_steep$estimated <- FALSE

recruitment$estimate_log_devs <- TRUE
recruitment$log_devs <- rep(1.0, nyears) # set to no deviations (multiplier) to start, just like ASAP

# growth
ewaa_growth <- methods::new(EWAAgrowth)
ewaa_growth$ages <- ages
# NOTE: FIMS currently cannot use matrix of WAA, so have to ensure constant WAA over time in ASAP file for now
ewaa_growth$weights <- rdat$WAA.mats$WAA.catch.all[1,] 

# NOTE: FIMS assumes SSB calculated at the start of the year, so need to adjust ASAP to do so as well for now, need to make timing of SSB calculation part of FIMS later

# maturity
# NOTE: for now tricking FIMS into thinking age 0 is age 1, so need to adjust A50 for maturity because FIMS calculations use ages 0-5+ instead of 1-6
maturity <- new(LogisticMaturity)
maturity$inflection_point$value <- 1.8 # hardwired for now, need to figure out a better way than this
maturity$inflection_point$is_random_effect <- FALSE
maturity$inflection_point$estimated <- FALSE
maturity$slope$value <- 4 # hardwired for now, need to figure out a better way than this
maturity$slope$is_random_effect <- FALSE
maturity$slope$estimated <- FALSE

# population
population <- new(Population)
population$log_M <- log(as.numeric(t(rdat$M.age)))
population$estimate_M <- FALSE
population$log_init_naa <- log(rdat$N.age[1,]) # log(rdat$initial.guesses$NAA.year1.init)
population$estimate_init_naa <- FALSE # TRUE , NOTE: fixing at ASAP estimates to test SSB calculations
population$nages <- nages
population$ages <- ages
population$nfleets <- rdat$parms$nfleets + rdat$parms$nindices # fleets plus surveys
population$nseasons <- nseasons
population$nyears <- nyears
#population$prop_female <- 1.0 # ASAP assumption


# make FIMS model
sucess <- CreateTMBModel()
parameters <- list(p = get_fixed())
obj <- MakeADFun(data = list(), parameters, DLL = "FIMS", silent = TRUE)

# fitting the model
opt <- nlminb(start=obj$par, objective=obj$fn, gradient=obj$gr,
              control = list(eval.max = 8000, iter.max = 800))
#  method = "BFGS",
#   control = list(maxit=1000000, reltol = 1e-15))

#max(abs(obj$gr())) # from Cole, can use TMBhelper::fit_tmb to get val to <1e-10

#opt <- TMBhelper::fit_tmb(obj, newtonsteps=3, quiet = TRUE) # don't understand why quiet flag does not work in Quarto


sdr <- TMB::sdreport(obj)
sdr_fixed <- summary(sdr, "fixed")
report <- obj$report(obj$env$

### Plotting

mycols <- c("FIMS" = "blue", "ASAP" = "red", "ASAP_orig" = "darkgreen")

for (i in 1:rdat$parms$nindices){
  index_results <- data.frame(
    survey = i,
    year = years,
    observed = rdat$index.obs[[i]],
    FIMS = report$exp_index[[rdat$parms$nfleet+i]],
    ASAP = rdat$index.pred[[i]]
  if (i==1){
    allinds_results <- index_results
    allinds_results <- rbind(allinds_results, index_results)

comp_index <- ggplot(allinds_results, aes(x = year, y = observed)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_line(aes(x = year, y = FIMS), color = "blue") +
  geom_line(aes(x = year, y = ASAP), color = "red") +
  facet_wrap(~survey, scales = "free_y", nrow = 2) +
  xlab("Year") +
  ylab("Index") +
  ggtitle("Blue=FIMS, Red=ASAP") +

catch_results <- data.frame(
  observed = fishing_fleet_index$index_data,
  FIMS = report$exp_index[[1]],
  ASAP = as.numeric(rdat$catch.pred[1,])

comp_catch <- ggplot(catch_results, aes(x = years, y = observed)) +
  geom_point() +
  xlab("Year") +
  ylab("Catch (mt)") +
  geom_line(aes(x = years, y = FIMS), color = "blue") +
  geom_line(aes(x = years, y = ASAP), color = "red") +
  ggtitle("Blue=FIMS, Red=ASAP") +

pop_results <- data.frame(
  Year = c(years, max(years)+1, years, years, years, years, max(years)+1, years),
  Metric = c(rep("SSB", 2*nyears+1), rep("F_mort", 2*nyears), rep("Recruitment", 2*nyears+1)),
  Model = c(rep("FIMS", nyears+1), rep("ASAP", nyears), rep(c("FIMS", "ASAP"), each=nyears), 
             rep("FIMS", nyears+1), rep("ASAP", nyears)),
  Value = c(report$ssb[[1]], rdat$SSB, report$F_mort[[1]], rdat$, report$recruitment[[1]], as.numeric(rdat$N.age[,1]))

# ggplot(filter(pop_results, Year <=2019), aes(x=Year, y=Value, color=Model)) +
#   geom_line() +
#   facet_wrap(~Metric, ncol=1, scales = "free_y") +
#   theme_bw() +
#   scale_color_manual(values = mycols)

orig_years <- seq(orig$parms$styr, orig$parms$endyr)
orig_pop_results <- data.frame(
  Year = rep(orig_years, 3),
  Metric = rep(c("SSB", "F_mort", "Recruitment"), each = length(orig_years)),
  Model = "ASAP_orig",
  Value = c(orig$SSB, orig$, as.numeric(orig$N.age[,1]))

pop_results_3 <- rbind(pop_results, orig_pop_results)

# ggplot(filter(pop_results_3, Year <=2019), aes(x=Year, y=Value, color=Model)) +
#   geom_line() +
#   facet_wrap(~Metric, ncol=1, scales = "free_y") +
#   theme_bw() +
#   scale_color_manual(values = mycols)

comp_FRSSB3 <- ggplot(pop_results_3, aes(x=Year, y=Value, color=Model)) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~Metric, ncol=1, scales = "free_y") +
  theme_bw() +
  scale_color_manual(values = mycols)

FIMS_naa_results <- data.frame(
  Year = rep(c(years, max(years)+1), each = nages),
  Age = rep(ages, nyears+1),
  Metric = "NAA",
  Model = "FIMS",
  Value = report$naa[[1]]

ASAP_naa_results <- data.frame(
  Year = rep(years, each = nages),
  Age = rep(ages, nyears),
  Metric = "NAA",
  Model = "ASAP",
  Value = as.numeric(t(rdat$N.age))

orig_naa_results <- data.frame(
  Year = rep(orig_years, each = nages),
  Age = rep(ages, length(orig_years)),
  Metric = "NAA",
  Model = "ASAP_orig",
  Value = as.numeric(t(orig$N.age))
naa_results <- rbind(FIMS_naa_results, ASAP_naa_results, orig_naa_results)

# ggplot(filter(naa_results, Year <= 2019), aes(x=Year, y=Value, color=Model)) +
#   geom_line() +
#   facet_wrap(~Age, ncol=1, scales = "free_y") +
#   ylab("NAA") +
#   theme_bw() +
#   scale_color_manual(values = mycols)

comp_naa2 <- ggplot(filter(naa_results, Year <= 2019, Model %in% c("ASAP", "FIMS")), aes(x=Year, y=Value, color=Model)) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~Age, ncol=1, scales = "free_y") +
  ylab("NAA") +
  theme_bw() +
  scale_color_manual(values = mycols)

# ggplot(filter(naa_results, Year == 1973, Model %in% c("ASAP", "FIMS")), aes(x=Age, y=Value, color=Model)) +
#   geom_line() +
#   ylab("NAA in Year 1") +
#   theme_bw() +
#   scale_color_manual(values = mycols)

saveplots <- TRUE
  ggsave(filename = "figures/NEFSC_YT_compare_index.png", plot = comp_index, width = 4, height = 4, units = "in")
  ggsave(filename = "figures/NEFSC_YT_compare_catch.png", plot = comp_catch, width = 4, height = 4, units = "in")
  ggsave(filename = "figures/NEFSC_YT_compare_FRSSB3.png", plot = comp_FRSSB3, width = 5, height = 6.5, units = "in")
  ggsave(filename = "figures/NEFSC_YT_compare_NAA2.png", plot = comp_naa2, width = 5, height = 6.5, units = "in")

Comparison figures

Catch Indices FRSSB NAA

Comparison table

The likelihood components from FIMS and ASAP for the same data are shown in the table below. Note that the ASAP file had to turn on the use likelihood constants option to enable this comparison (this option should not be used when recruitment deviations are estimated).

jnlltab <- data.frame(Component=c("Total","Index","Age Comp", "Rec"),
                      FIMS = c(report$jnll, report$index_nll, report$age_comp_nll, report$rec_nll),
                      ASAP = c(rdat$like$,
                               (rdat$like$ + rdat$like$,
                               (rdat$like$lk.catch.age.comp + rdat$like$lk.index.age.comp),
  Component      FIMS     ASAP
1     Total 1569.4796 2410.844
2     Index   63.7218 1020.548
3  Age Comp 1360.0192 1390.297
4       Rec  145.7386    0.000

What was your experience using FIMS? What could we do to improve usability?

Relatively easy to use by following the vignette. Creating wrappers for data input would help so that each element did not need to be assigned directly.

List any issues that you ran into or found

Please open an issue if you found something new.

  • SSB calculations in FIMS assume 0.5 multiplier, which differs from ASAP Issue #521.
  • Output all derived values (this is mostly done)
  • Fix recruitment estimation Issue #364
  • Handle missing data, especially surveys Issue #502
  • Weights at age that change over time
  • Separate weights at age for catch, SSB, Jan-1 population, indices, etc.
  • Fishery selectivity blocks or random effects
  • Allow time-varying CVs and ESS (or alternative functions)
  • Option for Index in numbers
  • Timing of Index and SSB calculations within the year
  • One-step-ahead residuals
  • Reference points, projections, pushbutton retro

What features are most important to add based on this case study?

  • Missing values, would allow inclusion of the other 3 indices (too many missing years to fill for this example)
# Clear C++ objects from memory